

Walking is what most able -bodied people do everyday of their lives. We walk around our homes. We walk to get groceries from the store nearby. We walk for different purposes and unknown to most people walking has so many health benefits.

Benefits of Walking

1.Weight loss

Walking can be used to achieve weight loss when combined with healthy diet. As you walk you burn calories and as you burn calories you burn up those fats in the body. Take a 30 minutes walk everyday to achieve your weight loss goal.

2. Reduces the risk of heart issues

Walking can reduce the reduce the risk of developing heart issues. The American Heart Association (AHA) advises that walking 30 minutes of walking 5 to 7 days a week is good for cardiovascular health. If you walk often the risk of developing heart issues will be lowered. 

3. Creative thinking

Walking is an interesting tool for creative thinking. As you walk ideas and inspirations for your project can start dropping. I use this method most times whenever I am faced with a challenge and I don’t know what to do. As I take a walk I begin to get ideas on how to handle the challenge. 

4. Slows down mental decline

It has been discovered that older adults who walk more often have a reduced rate of experiencing mental decline. The University of California, San Francisco conducted a study on 6000 women ages between 65 and older and found out that those who walk often has a lower rate is memory decline than those who walk less.

5. Relieves Joint pains

Walking can help to reduce joint pain for those suffering from arthritis. That is because it helps to lubricate and the strengthen the muscles that support the joints . Walking 5 to 6 week  miles a week can help to prevent arthritis. So walking has both a preventing and managing arthritis.

6. For healthy bones

Walking can help the bones to be healthy bones and prevent the loss of bone mass in a person suffering from Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. The disease often develops without any pain and may go undiscovered until the weakned bones causes painful fracture. The fractures mostly occurs at the hip,wrist and spine.

7. Reduces diabetes risk

According  to a study by Harvard University walking can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Walking helps to lower blood sugar. Taking a short walk after eating is very important to lower blood sugar level.

8. Improves mood

Taking a walk can help to improve mood and eliminate depression and anxiety. When not in a good mood take a walk and get a relief.

9. Boosts immunity

Walking boosts immunity. It has been discovered that those who walk often has  reduced chances of developing a flu or a cold than those who walk less. This is possible because as you walk bacteria may be flushed out from the lungs and airways.

10. Improves sleep 

Engaging in physical activities like walking can help to improve sleep in adults who find it difficult to sleep. So take at least 30 minutes of walk to help improve your sleep.

11. Relieves from stress

Walking can help to reduce stress because as you walk a feel – good hormone Endorphin will be released into your blood which will make you to start having  feelings of pleasure, excitements and laughter. When you feel stressed out take a 30 minutes and get Endorphin pumping the feel good sensations into your blood.

12. Walking lowers cholesterol levels

High level of cholesterol in the blood is not good for the body and this can be brought down by taking a walk.

13. It helps in stroke cases

Walking is very important to recover from stroke.

A stroke patient should take a short walk everyday to get the muscles back.

14. Saves money

Walking can help you to save some money. Instead of commuting take a walk and save the money. 

15. It reduces the risk of developing glaucoma

According to a research presented at AAO 2017,the 21st annual meeting of the American Academy of Opthalmology, people who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities may be able to significantly lower their risk of developing glaucoma. Another study conducted by researchers from University of California, Los Angeles reported a 73 percent decline in the risk of developing the disease among most physically active people when compared to those who were less physical active. 

16. It can increase life expectancy

Engaging in physical activities like walking can to make a person to live longer. The Lancet Global Health in 2020 said that those who exercise regularly have a lower risk of premature death. 

17. Walking can lower the risk of having hip fracture

According to a study by American Journal of public health in April 2014 walking is a relative safe and easy way of preventing hip fractures. It was also discovered by Brigham and women’s hospital in 2002 that post- menopausal people who walk 30 minutes each day reduced their risks of getting hip fractures by 40 percent.

18. It help digestion

Dr Mutharasen said that walking can stimulate your gastrointestinal tract and it aids the process of peristalsis which is how food moves from your mouth and through your GI system until it is eliminated. After each meal take a walk for it can help digestion.

19. Walking provides socialization opportunities

Walking with friends can provide an opportunity to socialize. You can catch up with gists about this happening in the world. In addition walking with friends can make it to be more fun.

20. Walking reduces risk of breast cancer

According to a study women who engages in walking 30 minutes everyday have a lower risk of developing breast cancer when compared to those who walk less. So it is advisable for women to regularly take a walk to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

21. It increases blood circulation

When we engage in physical activities like walking the heart begins to beat faster pumping more blood into the muscles and tissues of the body.

How to get started

1.Get a good sturdy shoes for easy movement of the feet

2. Wear a comfortable light clothing. Do not put on a heavy dress.

3. Drink enough water before and after walking.

4. Avoid paths with cracked side walks and potholes if you walk out doors.

5. You can walk with a friend or friends to make the walk more fun.

6. Listen to music if you can as you walk. It can help to make the walking exercise very interesting.

7. Park a little farther from your office and walk thro and fro.

8. If you commute, get off the bus or train before your normal stop an walk the remaining distance.

9. If you walk in the evening or early hours of the money wear a reflective vest. Do not wear dark clothing which will make it it difficult for cars to see you so as not to knock you down.

10. Start with a short walk if you are just getting started after a while  you can increase the distance you can cover.


By Ekene Arodiogbu

Ekene Arodiogbu is the CEO of Excedel World. He loves to listen to good music and watch movies in his spare time.

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