Popular Nollywood actor Bolanle Ninalowo has debunked the rumours going viral which says he has found love again.

Recall there have been viral speculations of the actor having a romantic affair with actress Damilola Adegbite.

This comes in a few months after the actor announced that has separated from his wife Bunmi.

Clarifying himself in a recent interview with TVC, while playing the drink and answer game, Ninalowo was asked about what he meant about finding love again.

The actor replied that he never said he found love again.

He explained that all he said was that he was interested in someone and had no idea what it would result into.

“I never told you guys that. Who told you that? That I found love again…. No I said I was peeping somebody.

“You Nigerian ‘e de jo tori Olorun’ (I beg you in the Name of God). Peeping… Love, Peeping… Love, two different things. Peeping, marked her. You never know, Maka is a lover,” he said.

By Ekene Arodiogbu

Ekene Arodiogbu is the CEO of Excedel World. He loves to listen to good music and watch movies in his spare time.

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